Limburg - Hasselt
A famous flavored Gin, spiced with juniper berries and called "Jenever", is made in Hasselt; there are several factories, and a museum dedicated to its history.
Hasselt boasts several interesting museums.Two museums of interest are the Stedelijk Museum, an archive of fashion from 1830 onwards, and the Stedelijk Beiaardmuseum, dedicated to carillons. An very charming tourist attraction is the beautiful Japanese Garden on the outskirts of the city. Not far from Hasselt lies also the magnificent Open Air Museum of Bokrijk, dedicated to Flemish rural architecture of the past and the Flemish country life.
Hasselt-Biking (59 km)
Hasselt has a very contemporary demeanor, it is an administrative center as well as a commercial one. The central "Grote Markt" may not be that big, but the friendly atmosphere around thecosy terraces and the numerous sidewalk cafés on the square certainly make up for the lack of "grandeur" that typifies the Belgian Market Square in cities such as Brussels and Antwerp.A famous flavored Gin, spiced with juniper berries and called "Jenever", is made in Hasselt; there are several factories, and a museum dedicated to its history.
Hasselt boasts several interesting museums.Two museums of interest are the Stedelijk Museum, an archive of fashion from 1830 onwards, and the Stedelijk Beiaardmuseum, dedicated to carillons. An very charming tourist attraction is the beautiful Japanese Garden on the outskirts of the city. Not far from Hasselt lies also the magnificent Open Air Museum of Bokrijk, dedicated to Flemish rural architecture of the past and the Flemish country life.
Hasselt - Cycle Node 96Picture